PS/ME matching in Ariadne

Project description:

To implement matching of fixed order matrix elements to the dipole cascade in Ariadne both for W production in hadron collisions and for DIS. The method used is based on the CKKW prescription modified with PS-generated Sudakovs and 'inverse cascade' instead analytical Sudakovs and kt-jetfinding, as has already been implemented in Ariadne for e+e-.

Contact Person:

Leif Lönnblad


Leif Lönnblad (Lund), Nils Lavesson (Diploma student, Lund), Christoffer Åberg (Diploma student, Lund)

Help Needed:

None at the moment. Maybe an experimental collaborator could help at a later stage when more extensive comparison to data is called for


Correcting the Colour-Dipole Cascade Model with Fixed Order Matrix Elements, L. Lönnblad, J. High Energy Phys. 05 (2002) 046.
QCD matrix elements + parton showers, S. Catani, et al., J. High Energy Phys. 11 (2001) 063


Preliminary results was presented at the working group meeting at DESY in the beginning of June.
Working implementation to be presented at the January meeting at CERN


(2004.10.15) The matching has been implemented both for W-production and DIS. Detailed investigation on the performance of the matching is almost finished for W-production.