CHIRON: numerical tools for Chiral Perturbation Theory

There is a companion Chiral Perturbation Theory page. This page is exclusively devoted to CHIRON.

CHIRON consist of two C++ libraries. One with numerical routines and one with routines more specifically for Chiral Perturbation Theory numerical calculations. The package is released under GPLv2.

The library is described in CHIRON: a package for ChPT numerical results at two loops, Johan Bijnens, LU TP 14-41, arXiv:1412.0887, Eur. Phys. J C 75 (2015) 27 (describes v0.50), please cite this and the relevant original papers when using.

Github link

More up-to-date versions including all latest changes can be found at Github

Present official version: 0.54 (14 September 2015)

Versions in progress

This contains newer versions where changes have been made w.r.t. to the last official version.

But note: things in here that are not present and documented in earlier versions may change without notice and without changing version numbers of files and the like.

Older versions

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This document was last modified Thursday, 07-Mar-2024 10:46:10 CET